Enhancing Nursing Education with Virtual Reality at UNC Charlotte

Categories: General News

As part of its recent expansion, the UNC Charlotte School of Nursing is introducing virtual reality (VR) technology to enhance students’ learning experiences. Before implementing VR, the school carefully developed strategies to maximize its effectiveness. In mid-February, a group of undergraduate nursing students were selected to participate in a pilot program featuring the new VR simulations. The platform offers a range of scenarios, from fundamental nursing skills and safety procedures to more complex cases, such as gastrointestinal bleeding and blood administration.

Facilitating Hands-On Learning with VR

To support nursing students using VR simulation, Dr. Teresa Cronell, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, in collaboration with the simulation team—Melinda Pierce, Simulation and Interdisciplinary Practice Coordinator,  and Ashton Atmore, Simulation Technician—streamlined several lesson plans to integrate this innovative tool effectively.

During the pilot sessions held in the Learning Resource Center, Dr. Cronell facilitated the VR simulations alongside Ashton Atmore with technical assistance from Isaiah Griffin, Digital Design & Communications Specialist. The VR simulation will be incorporated into the Student Success Plan for students who are temporarily out of clinical rotations and as part of clinical enhancement experiences for first-semester nursing students. These simulations adhere to best practices, mirroring the structure and rigor of in-person simulations.

Before engaging with the VR equipment, students completed prerequisite coursework and pre-briefing sessions. During pre-brief discussions, facilitators outlined the expected learning outcomes for each scenario and provided an overview of the technology to ensure a smooth and engaging experience. Dr. Cronell often describes simulation as the “nursing sandbox,” where students can apply previously learned skills or develop new ones in a safe, controlled environment without risk to actual patients.

Expanding VR Implementation in the Nursing Program

Virtual reality learning experiences, like those being introduced at the UNC Charlotte School of Nursing, enhance students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning, both essential skills in today’s healthcare settings. By integrating VR, the School of Nursing continues to provide students with innovative tools to develop the expertise needed for exceptional patient care. Looking ahead, the school plans to further expand VR use throughout the nursing program.