Amanda Smith, MSN, RN, CCRN

Amanda Smith, MSN, RN, CCRN
Amanda Smith, MSN, CCRN has served as a nurse for 9 years. She works in adult medical surgical for two years and the other 7 years has been in pediatrics working with children born with congenital heart defects. For the last 6 years, Smith has been working at Levine Children’s Hospital in the CVICU. She graduated with her Masters in Nursing Education from Queens University in 2020 has worked in education ever since. She taught clinical part time and have been working as a full time nursing educator since 2021 and continues to work PRN in the CVICU. She is a passionate about teaching nursing to students who are eager and excited to join the profession. Students’ excitement, passion and dedication reminds her why she went into nursing in the first place.
MSN, 2020, Queens University
BSN, 2014, St. John Fisher College