Program Costs

Upper Division Program Cost | Accelerated BSN Option Program Cost

Required Junior Year | Required Senior Year | Optional Senior Year

An explanation of University fees can be found on the Niner Central website.

Estimated Cost for Nursing Students in the Upper Division Major (Final 2 Years ONLY)

YearCredit HoursTuition (Resident)Tuition (Non-Resident)University FeesBook EstimatesATIMajor Fees*Miscellaneous
Junior Year Fall Semester14$1,906.00$9,532.50$1,713.50$350.00-$1,200.00$210.00$125.00$950.00-$1,000 My Clinical Exchange (MCE) $79.00-24 Months
Junior Year Spring Semester16$1,906.00$9,532.50$1,713.50$320.00-$415.00$210.00$125.00
Senior Year Fall Semester15$1,906.00$9,532.50$1,713.50$300.00$210.00$125.00My Clinical Exchange $39.50
Senior Year Spring Semester13$1,906.00$9,532.50$1,713.50$260.00-$490.00$210.00$125.00$688.00
Estimated Totals$7,624.00$38,130.00$6,840.00$1,260.00-$2,405.00$840.00$500.00$1,667.50-1,727.50
ATI fees will be scheduled each semester with a specific due date. Information will be sent related to how to create your account and purchase. Fees per semester are included above but tend to be $210 per semester. (Included in Books & ATI estimated cost)

Required Junior Year (First Semester)


Student ID$25.00Verified Credentials (Drug
Screen, Criminal Background Check,
and Compliance Documentation)
Uniforms$120.00My Clinical Exchange (Clinical
Rotation Manager)
$79.00 for 24
Lab Coat$25.00Vaccines$100-300.00
(price varies)
Watch w/ second hand$30.00 (price)Eye Protection – Goggles$15.99
Nursing Shoes$60.00 (price)Physical$200.00 (price
Stethoscope$60.00 (price)
Influenza vaccine is an annual requirement and therefore, all students will incur a cost for these each year.

Required Senior Year (Second Semester)

My Clinical Exchange (Clinical Rotation Manager)$39.50/ year
NCLEX-RN Live Review$350.00-$400.00
NCLEX-RN Application Fee$75.00
NCLEX Criminal Background Fee for NCBON$38.00
NCLEX-RN Registration and Payment$200.00

Optional Senior Year

Nursing Pin$50-$400.00
Senior Photo Price varies

ATI fees will be scheduled each semester with a specific due date. Information will be sent related to how to create your account and purchase. Fees per semester are included above but tend to be $210 per semester. (Included in Books & ATI estimated cost)

Required First Year | Required Final Semester | Optional Last Year

Please see the University Website for explanation of University costs: Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

Estimated Cost for Nursing Students in the Accelerated BSN Option

YearCredit HoursTuition (Resident)Tuition (Non-Resident)University FeesBook EstimatesATIMajor Fees*Miscellaneous
Fall Semester17$1,906.00$9,532.50$1,713.50$350.00-$1,340.00$210.00$125.00$950.00-$1,000 My Clinical Exchange (MCE) $79.00-24 Months
Spring Semester16$1,906.00$9,532.50$1,713.50$320.00-$510.00$210.00$125.00
Summer Semester13$2,064.00$8,411.00$1,125.93$230.00-$260.00$210.00$125.00My Clinical Exchange $39.50
Fall Semester15$1,906.00$9,532.50$1,713.50$115.00-$300.00$210.00$125.00$688.00
Estimated Totals$7,782.79$37,008.50$6,266.43$1,015.00-$2,410.00$840.00$500.00$1,667.50-1,727.50
Book cost varies based on new book purchase price or Niner Course pack. ATI fees will be scheduled each semester with a specific due date. Information will be sent related to how to create your account and purchase. Fees per semester are included above but tend to be $210 per semester. (Included in Books & ATI estimated cost)

Required First Year (First Semester)


Student ID$25.00Verified Credentials (Drug
Screen, Criminal Background Check,
and Compliance Documentation)
Uniforms$120.00My Clinical Exchange (Clinical
Rotation Manager)
$79.00 for 24
Lab Coat$25.00Vaccines$100-300.00
(price varies)
Watch w/ second hand$30.00 (price)Eye Protection – Goggles$15.99
Nursing Shoes$60.00 (price)Physical$200.00 (price
Stethoscope$60.00 (price)
Influenza vaccine is an annual requirement and therefore, all students will incur a cost for these each year.

Required Final Semester

My Clinical Exchange (Clinical Rotation Manager)$39.50/ year
NCLEX-RN Live Review$350.00-$400.00
NCLEX-RN Application Fee$75.00
NCLEX Criminal Background Fee for NCBON$38.00
NCLEX-RN Registration and Payment$200.00

Optional Last Year

Nursing Pin$50-$400.00
Senior Photo Price varies

An explanation of University Fees may be found on the Financial Services website.
