Publications & Grants

Publications & grants

2023 publications

Chen, F., Powers, K., Goetzinger, A. M., Patidar, S., Moulthrop, A. J., Pamacheche, C., & Martinelli, S. M. (2023). Exploring the impact of book club participation on clinicians’ empathy and reflection on empathetic practice: A wakeup call. Cureus, 15(5), Article e39656.

Chen, Z. J., Cowden, R., & Streib, H. (2023). More spiritual than religious: Concurrent and longitudinal relations with personality traits, mysticism, and other characteristics. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 1025938.

Cochran, A., Shue-McGuffin, K., Shaw Jr., G., Elias, K., & Vrochides, D. (2023). Compliance to ERAS recommendations and perceptions of barriers: A multi-methods survey analysis. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 57, 795-796.

Horne, C. E., Abel, W. M., & Crane, P. B. (2023). Fatigue, stress, and medication adherence by race post myocardial infarction. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 19(9).

Horne, C. E., Stayt, L. C., Schutz, S., Smith, C. M., Haberstroh, A., Bolin, L. P., Taylor, C. L., Moosavi, S. H., & Bibbey, A. (2023). Symptom experiences in hypertension: A mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Hypertension, 41(1), 1-16.

Hoyt, K., & Jordan, K. (2023). The diagnostic challenge of an older adult with epigastric pain in the emergency department: High-risk and high-volume. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 45, 187-194.

Jehu, D. A., Langston, R., Sams, R., Young, L., Hamrick, M., Zhu, H. D., & Dong, Y. B. (2023). The impact of dual-tasks and disease severity on posture, gait, and functional mobility among people living with dementia in residential care facilities. Sensors, 2023.

Jung, J., Waller, J. W., Tran, S., Baer, S. L., Kheda, M., Mohammed, Z., Padala, S., Young, L., Siddiqui, B., & Bollag, W. B. (2023). Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and mortality in end-stage renal disease. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 365(3), 249-257.

MacKay, M. M., Powers, K., & Jordan, K. S. (2023). The COVID-19 pandemic through the eyes of pediatric nurses: A qualitative study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 68, 52-59.

Min, H. Y., Lee, J. M., & Montegrico, J. (2023). Korean version of the nursing students’ attitudes and knowledge toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients scale. Healthcare, 11(14), Article 2028.

Momin, R. I., Baer, S. L., Waller, J. L., Young, L., Tran, S., Taskar, V., & Bollag, W. B. (2023). Atopic dermatitis and the risk of infection in end-stage renal disease. Medicina, 59(12), Article 2145.

Montegrico, J. (2023). Application of Roy’s adaptation theory in understanding content saturation in nursing education. Philippine Journal of Nursing, 93(2), 28-34. ISSN: 0048-3818

Montegrico, J., & Oducado, R. M. (2023). Scoping review of factors affecting Philippine nurse licensure outcomes. Philippine Journal of Nursing, 92(1), 11-22.

Parajuli, J., & Larson, K. (2023). Changing life plans: When to engage caregivers of older adults with cancer in advance care planning. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 26(1), 29-35.

Powers, K., Duncan, J. M., & Twibell, K. R. (2023). Family support person role during resuscitation: A qualitative exploration. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 32(3-4), 409-421.

Powers, K., & Kulkarni, S. (2023). Examination of online interprofessional education to develop graduate students’ interprofessional socialization and collaborative competencies. Journal of Social Work Education, 59(2), 506-519.

Schwade, M., Patel, H., & Young, L. (2023). Anticoagulation in Afib upon hospital discharge: Single center retrospective cohort analysis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 81(8_Supplement), 126-126.

Smith, C. M., Horne, C. E., & Bowler, M. (2023). Beyond men’s experiences: Scale development and psychometric testing of the Fitness in Nursing Scale – Men (FiNS-M©). Journal of Nursing Measurement.

Strange, K. E., Mixer, S. J., Embler, P., Smith, J. L., & Troutman-Jordan, M. (2023). “Turn it over to God”: Faith enhances mental health of rural Appalachian older adults. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 44(9), 809-815.

Strange, K. E., Troutman-Jordan, M., & Mixer, S. J. (2023). Influence of spiritual engagement on Appalachian older adults’ health: A systematic review. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 61(5), 45-52.

Toth, E., Waller, J. L., Bollag, W. B., Siddiqui, B., Mohammed, A., Kheda, M., Padala, S., Young, L., Baer, S. L., & Tran, S. (2023). Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections in patients with end-stage renal disease: Prevalence, risk factors, and mortality. Journal of Investigative Medicine.

Tran, S. Y., Barry, S., Waller, J. L., Bollag, W. B., Young, L., Padala, S., & Baer, S. L. (2023). Risk factors and mortality in patients with listeriosis and end-stage renal disease. American Journal of the Medical Sciences.

Young, L. (2023). The role of clinical/community based research networks in addressing health disparities. In S. S. Coughlin (Ed.), Black health in the South. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Zali, M., Rahmani, A., Powers, K., Hassankhani, H., Namdar-Areshtanab, H., & Gilani, N. (2023). Nurses’ experiences of ethical and legal issues in post-resuscitation care: A qualitative content analysis. Nursing Ethics, 30(2), 245-257.

Zali, M., Rahmani, A., Powers, K., Hassankhani, H., Namdar-Areshtanab, H., & Gilani, N. (2023). Nurses’ experiences of provision of family-centered care in the post-resuscitation period: A qualitative study. Nursing Open, 10(11), 7215-7223.

2023 grants

Chen, Z. (PI). (2023-2024). Social scientific study of Daoism: Relationships between religion and science in the interpretation of mysticism among Chinese Daoist monks and nuns [Grant]. Templeton Religion Trust. (\$24,605)

Chen, Z. (PI). (2023-2024). The elements and structure of Daoist mystical experiences: A mixed-methods study with Daoist monks and nuns [Grant]. Faculty Research Grant of APA Division 36. (\$7,500)

Jeh, D. (PI), & Young, L. (Co-I). (2022-2023). The influence of the Otago exercise program on executive function among older adults living with dementia [Grant]. Augusta University. (\$25,000)

Jordan, K. (PI), Pierce, M. (Co-I), & Shue-McGuffin, K. (Co-I). (2023-2024). Evaluation of knowledge and self-efficacy among nurse practitioner students in pediatric clinical decision-making through “escape room” simulation experiences [Grant]. The Center for Teaching and Learning, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. (\$4,125)

Kulkarni, S. (PI), & Powers, K. (Co-I). (2021-2025). UNC Charlotte integrated behavioral health (IBH) training program [Grant]. Health Resources and Services Administration. (\$1,456,360)

Montegrico, J. (PI). (2022-2024). Improving HIV knowledge and attitudes through mobile text messaging among adolescents and young adults in the Philippines: A pilot study [Grant]. University of North Carolina at Charlotte. (\$8,000)

Montegrico, J. (PI), & Lynch, S. (Co-PI). (2022-2023). Evaluation of concept map use on nursing students’ critical thinking and clinical judgment [Grant]. University of North Carolina at Charlotte. (\$2,850)

Murray, B. (PI), Whitaker-Brown, C. (Co-I), Shue-McGuffin, K. (Co-I), Sheeler, C. (Co-I), & Patterson, I. (Co-I). (2023-2024). Tata tales act III, scene I: Breast cancer survivor voices in nursing education with theater [Grant]. Women + Girls Research Alliance, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. (\$5,000)

Powers, K. (PI), & Brandon, J. (Co-I). (2020-2023). Teaming up for community health: Mixed methods study of an innovative interprofessional simulation intervention [Grant]. National League for Nursing NLN Foundation. (\$25,000)

Shue-McGuffin, K. (PI), & Jordan, K. (Co-I). (2023). Optimizing interprofessional team collaboration in the recognition and management of human trafficking victims: The role of the nurse practitioner [Grant]. The Center for Teaching and Learning, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. (\$7,150)

Troutman-Jordan, M. (PI), & Davis, B. (Co-PI). (2023-2024). Advocacy for and care of incarcerated older adults [Grant]. UNC Division of Research. (\$1,215)

Troutman-Jordan, M. (PI). (2023). Atención y apoyo a la demencia; Adaptation of culture and ethnicity-specific caregiver guides for Black and Hispanic/Latinx families [Grant]. Southern Gerontological Society. (\$3,000)

Troutman-Jordan, M. (PI). (2023). Cultivating critical consciousness while promoting health equity through high-impact educational practices [Grant]. Southern Piedmont AHEC. (\$19,992)

Troutman-Jordan, M. (PI). (2023). Making a difference culturally and ethnically appropriate guides for those working with people with dementia [Grant]. Sigma Theta Tau International. (\$4,850)

Troutman-Jordan, M. (Co-PI), Young, L. (Co-PI), & Davis, B. (2023-2024). CREATE IT: Correlations in reporting elder abuse to enhance interprofessional teams [Grant]. University of North Carolina at Charlotte. (\$13,195)

Young, L. (Co-I). (2018-2023). Offender reentry program to reduce substance abuse [Grant]. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (\$2,000,000)

Young, L. (PI). (2023-2024). A systematic review of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence in medical writing [Grant]. CHHS Research Enhancement Award Program, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. (\$2,000)

Young, L. (PI). (2023-2024). Escape room simulation: An innovative approach to community health nursing for undergraduate students [Grant]. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. (\$7,600)