
Nursing Organizations | Explore More Student Organizations
Nursing organizations
Gamma Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
GAMMA IOTA CHAPTER The Gamma Iota Chapter at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte was chartered in 1978 as a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International.
School of Nursing Alumni Chapter (SONAC)
The mission of the UNC Charlotte School of Nursing Alumni Chapter (SONAC) is to encourage active participation in the life of UNC Charlotte, with primary emphasis on School of Nursing alumni and friends. The Chapter exists to serve the College of Health and Human Services, the UNC Charlotte Alumni Association, the University, and our alumni and friends. For more information, please contact April Bass, Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement for CHHS.
Academy for Clinical Research and Scholarship (ACRS)
The Academy for Clinical Research and Scholarship (ACRS) is committed to promoting research and scholarship that optimizes nursing practice and enhances the health of clinical populations. The primary purpose of ACRS is to support knowledge generation and translation through education and training, intra- and inter-professional collaborations, and community engagement.