Gamma Iota Chapter Fall 2023 Poster Presentation Webinar

GAMMA IOTA CHAPTER (Sigma) Fall 2023 NURSING poster presentation Webinar
Thursday, 11/30/23 from 4:30 – 6:00 pm (VIRTUAL)
Purpose: The mission of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society (Sigma) is to support the nurse’s efforts to improve the health of the world’s people. The Gamma Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society would like to recognize scholars in nursing whose work demonstrates a substantial impact on the profession of nursing and the people served.
Gamma Iota members, nursing faculty, students, nurses, and other interested professionals are invited to attend this annual presentation in which students of all levels will be showcasing their projects and research.

This webinar is free, but registration is required. Please register via THIS LINK or via the QR code.
1.5 Contact Hour in Nursing Continuing Professional Development will be provided to those who attend the webinar.
This event is jointly provided by the UNC Charlotte School of Nursing and the Gamma Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society. UNC Charlotte School of Nursing is an approved provider of nursing continuing professional development by the North Carolina Nurses Association, and an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credential Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Call For Abstracts
Students from the UNC Charlotte School of Nursing and Pfeiffer University School of Nursing are invited to submit abstracts for their research or scholarly projects. Abstracts will be reviewed by Gamma Iota chapter representatives and be submitted here. If accepted, the student’s work will be showcased along with their digital posters on Gamma Iota Chapter’s website. Students of selected projects may be invited to present at the Gamma Iota (Sigma): Fall 2023 Poster Presentation Webinar on November 30th from 4:30 – 6:00 pm. Prizes will be presented for top posters at the end of the webinar.
Criteria: Students should submit the following requirements by 11/1/2023 via the Google Form. Note: For group projects, only one student needs to submit all required criteria for their group.
- Abstracts with the title of the project, student name(s), professor/faculty name, school name, and a 250-word limit description including the purpose, background, methods, results, conclusion, and
keywords. - PowerPoint video of poster presentation with voice-over recording (no longer than 5-7 minutes).
- A short bio for each student.
- Demographic data including university, program of study, faculty advisors, and availability to present
on November 30, 2023.

All abstracts should be submitted via this Google Form by 11/1/23 or by using this QR Code
Other Important Dates:
- Students will be notified via email by 11/15/23 of acceptance for the website showcase and/or for
presentation during the live webinar on 11/30/23. - If selected for the webinar presentation, the student (or at least on student from a student
group) should be available to present on 11/30/23 from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm. Prizes will be presented for top posters at the end of the webinar.
For any additional questions, please contact Dr. Laura Magennis or Dr. Carolyn Horne
Name | Job Title | Office | |
Carolyn Horne, PhD, MSN, RN, BCB | Associate Professor | CHHS 447A | |
Laura Magennis, DNP, MSN, RNC-OB, NPD-BC | Clinical Assistant Professor/ Coordinator of Strategic Partnerships | CHHS 445 | |